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The Lamadia Restaurant specializes in the strong flavors of the Tuscan cuisine:
Grilled meats, Florentine steaks,
pappardelle pasta with porcupine meat in tomato sauce. Pappa al pomodoro e ribollita.
For those wanting a "fine dining" experience,
we recommend choosing from our daily selection of fresh fish.

Special accomodations can be made for tourist groups and operators.
Please contact us for more information. trattorialamadiafi@alice.it

Menu 1

Appetizer: First Course: Second Course: Side Dish: Dessert: Beverages: Coffee: Total:

Menu 2

Appetizer: First Course: Second Course: Side Dish: Dessert: Beverages: Coffee: Total:

Menu 3

Appetizer: First Course: Second Course: Side Dish: Dessert: Beverages: Coffee: Total:

Menu 4

Appetizer: First Course: Second Course: Side Dish: Dessert: Beverages: Coffee: Total: